We are pleased to announce that our deliverable D2.5 Lessons Learned and updated requirements report I is available via our website. This deliverable provides an overview of the requirements engineering work performed in the first half of the project through the iterative process adopted for the COMPOSITION project. Several Lessons Learned have been reported in the first cycle, which led in turn to the addition of requirements. This process has been in sync with technical requirements derived from new or existing user requirements. All requirements have been updated, though the majority not in substance, but rather as a result of adding more details for various purposes, e.g., filtering/structuring.
“The effort in D2.5 Lessons Learned and updated requirements report I served as an inspiration to us. The template available now has been shaped according to the needs of COMPOSITION. We feel it would be interesting to modify it and gather input from other FoF-11 projects, why not from other Factories of the Future (FoF) projects too, or even ICT projects with applications in the FoF field. We will share the outcomes of this effort soon!” says the Dissemination Manager, Dr. Ifigeneia Metaxa from partner Atlantis Engineering.