WP1: Project management
General management of the project, ensuring a consistent high quality of work and focus on innovation. Lead is Fraunhofer FIT
WP 2: Use Case Driven Requirements Engineering and Architecture
Agile requirement engineering, specification and design methodology and coordination of design activities. Lead is In-JeT ApS
WP3: Manufacturing Modelling and Simulation
Manufacturing models and decision support system to support integration of lifecycle information. Lead is Center for Research and Technology Hellas
WP4: Secure Data Management and Exchange in Manufacturing
Security mechanisms for a COMPOSITION security framework for all authorised stakeholders in the supply chain. Lead is Atos Spain SA
WP5: Key Enabling Technologies for Intra- and Interfactory Interoperability and Data Analysis
Technologies for effective interoperability at all factory layers, combining work in WP4-5 for the IIMS platform. Lead is Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
WP6: COMPOSITION Collaborative Ecosystem
Design of a collaborative ecosystem for supply chain transaction and data sharing, combining WP3-5. Lead is CNet Svenska AB
WP7: Integration of Internal and External Elements
Integration of technology components from WP3-6 into systems for the use cases. Lead is Tyndall National Institute
WP8: Industrial Pilots and Evaluation
Demonstration of COMPOSITION technologies in two factory infrastructures, evaluation framework and user validation. Lead is KLEMANN Hellas ABEE
WP9: Business Models, Dissemination and Exploitation
Development of business framework and models, dissemination and exploitation of the results. Lead is Atlantis Engineering SA